Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to look thinner with right clothes

Tips what to wear
If you like to wear jeans try to buy the skinny one, that will make all the looks to your legs and make you look thinner
Long necklases are again in fashion and can really help you to look thinner.
Black is not only nice color and be wear anywhere and any time, but also can make a miracle with your body.
V-neck, yeah this can help a lot too. It will make you neck look longer and add better shape to your chest
Wear the high heels as high as you can, they will add not only to your high, but make you all look thinner and you will see how much better you will feel
The best skirt for plus size women is that one, what is skinny at the beginning turning to weid at down
If you try to combine all your outfit in one color, all can look like much more slimmer

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When it is the best time to study

When to study is really different from each person. I know for the most of us would be best to put book under the pillow and wait till morning to have all the information in our head. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that and we have to make a lot of effort to learn something. For some of us can be learning easy, but for the most is very hard process and we learn how to study all our life.

When is the best time?
When we were in elementary school or in high school, we didn't really have much choice, since in the morning we were at school and the time left for our study was only in the afternoon or the evening. But now when you are at college you choose when you want to study. Try to listen you intuition and find when is the best time for your to learn something new, when it is the most affective. If you rather wake up sooner in the morning or start in the afternoon or rather stay up for longer time. In each time there are some advantages and disadvantages about the time we choose.

Morning study
Our brain is fresh and you will remember all you learn easily. On the other site, if you have to work or go to the school later, you might be tired and not so productive as other time.
Afternoon study
Your brain is still pretty fresh and you might feel good, because you don't need to study in the evening and can spend time with your friends , family or do something you enjoy.
Evening study
Everything you learn, will you brain remember next morning. On the other site, study can be slowly since all day is behind us and we don't have as much energy anymore.

It is only on you what time you will choose to study, but don't forget about other important things like where to study, motivation, little breaks every 30 minutes, enough oxygen, enough light, concentration. There are so many aspects in our learning and they can either help you or make your study harder. But don't forget many of us learn how to study all their life.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Aerobis and Anaerobic excerice

Aerobic excerise
Aerobic moving activity is action of longer length,at least 20-40 minutes. Aerobic excercise is also named as cardio.With regular loading your heart, you can improve your health state.Aerobic activity is the best for losing weight while it burn fat.
The most of us thing aerobick can be good for everybody, but that is not true. We have to be carefull with obese and old people.It could be hard for their back or joint. The best for older people is swimming, specially when they can make it regularly at least 3 times a week.Another option is walking, but the most important with aerobic excercise is to watch your pulse. The best is when you can still talk, but you have a mild problem, because of little fast pulse.If you like to dance, it could be great for you how to put two things together.Make something for your health and love it.

Anaerobic excercise
Anaerobic activity is oriented on development of power and icreasing muscles. Anaerobic training is short, loading last only for few second and than it is neccesary to take a quick break.Typical example for anaerobic sports are bodybuilding and weightlifting. Another one could be also sprint.
Source of energy isn't fat, but sugar. With abaerobic excercise is musle working on maximum and oxygen has no access to the muscle.How I already write if you want to loose so weight there is better to have a aerobic exercise, but anaerobic can be important too.
With excercising musles, we can increase their growth.Don' worry, yoy won't look like bodybuilder .For that you would need a hard regular training.
You will have better condition,what can help you with m oving around the house or playing with children.
You will look better and if we like ourselves we feels better also.
The muscles need a lot of energy, so if you build your muscles you can eat a lot more and you would not gain any weight.
Be ready for increasing you weight after bodybulding or weightlifting. Muscles are heavier then a fat.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Usage of vinager in cosmetics.

The usage of vinegar was famous during the nineteenth century. Vinegar closes the cuticles, so the hair slides more easily and there will be fewer tangles. Vinegar has also tonic action, what promotes blood circulation.

Vinegar hair rinse.
You just need a 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar for 1 cup of water. If you want to make your own original smell you may add few drops of essential oil or fresh herbs.With all thix miture you just rinse your hair.You may rinse it all or just leave the vinegar rinse on your hair. Don't worry , the smell would vanish.

The most favourite vinegar is Apple Cider Vinegar. Vinegar would not only help improve cleanliness and shine, but it can help also control dandruff.You just have to massage it into your scalp several before shampooing.

It is believed that Apple Cider Vinegar can help with hair loss also.Apply two tablespoon of vinegar directly to the scalp with a cotton ball. Let sit between 15 minutes and 2 hours before shampooing.

Does your child has a head lice? Don't worry vinegar can help here too. After shampooing, rinse the infected area head with whie vinegar. The acetic acid in the vinegar will resolve the glue hodling eggs to the hair. Apply again product for killing the lice and rinse the the hair again with vinager.Use narrow toothed comb to get rid of the all spare lice eggs.Repeat treatment for seven to 10 days.

Friday, March 21, 2008

homemade exfoliators

It is not hard to make them at home, try on your own and you will see

1 cup of souer cream(instead of souer cream you can use olive oil)
5 table spoon of sea salt
Mix together and apply.Masage on your body with wash cloth and rinse in the shower.

For frequent using
3 table spoon of honey
few drops of essentila oil
few spoon of wholemeal
Use the same way like other one.

2 table spoon of choped fine nuts
1 cup of souer cream
Use the same way

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Trends for 2008

You can wear them in some artist expresion or just like a presswork on your T-shirt.

Birght colors
Pink, yellow, green, blue, are your favorites colors? This year you can wear them, how much you want. Don't forget to find some accesories in those colors too and you will look very chic, but also I believe those color can change your mood to something better. So why not to wear nice clothes and feel good too?

Wide jeans
I am sure many of you was waiting for this, since those skinny jeans was not for everyone. Now you can wear weid jeans and you will be trendy too.

High waist pants
Each woman want s to have a longer legs and high waist pants to help you. You can find them in every style, you just need to choose one for you. Don't forget about the belt, what can make a reall miracle.

They don't only protect our eyes, but they are great accesorry. If you have a nice tan, try the white glasses, they will look great with your skin.

Trasnaprent bags
You can use them anywhere you go and put into them anything you want to.

Constantly actual are still those huge purses we all love, violet, blue, red and gold colors, stripes and wide belts.

Things you should put at the bottom of you closet : men hats for women, thirst which doesn't cover your stomach, grey color and girlish image.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Homemade conditioner

Deep conditioner:
1 small jar of mayonnaise
1/2 of an avocado
Put together in a bowl and mix together.Aplly into hair and put a shower cap.leave on for 20 minutes.For deeper conditoning you may try to wrap your haid in hot towl.Wash hair with shampoo.

Conditioner for damaged hair:
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 cup of water
Melt honey and vinegar in hot water and let cool down.Rinse water with mixture.

Hair egg conditioner:
1 teaspoon baby oil
1 egg yold
1 cup water
beat the egg yold, add the oil and mix together.Add the water.Apply to your hair and scalp.Leave on for 3 minutes and rinse well.

Olive oil conditioner
1cup of olive oil
Few drops of your favorite essentail oil
Mix ingredients together and let sit at least for 24 hours.
Massage one tablespoon of warm oil to freshly shampooed har.Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse lightly.

Conditioner from beer:
Just rinse your hair with beer and let dry.Once the hair will be dry the smell will vanish.Don't belive?Try it!
Herb conditioner
1/2 cup dried sage
1/2 cup dried rosemary
2 cups hot water
Mix all ingredients together and simmer for 30 minutes.Then let sit for at least 5 hours.Strain and massage to hair.Don't rinse.